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정통 하와이 의식

Beach Weddings

내 날짜에 예약이 가능한가요?

일출부터 일몰까지
산에서 바다까지!
당신의 신성한 공간을 찾으세요


Location, Location, Location

Hawaii Island the Big Island

These options from the State Wiki Permit System may be subject to change without notice.

Hale Kukui Wedding, Hawaii Island 4.jpg

와이피오 밸리 절벽

Sacred Locations




그리고 소박한 절벽

LGBTQ+ Weddings and Vow Renewals

Lava Fields

빅 아일랜드


Sunset Beach Weddings

빅 아일랜드 해변

Forrest Weddings

Volcano Retreat

Sacred Locations


Resort Locations

마우나 케아 비치 리조트에서 로얄 코나 리조트까지.


Choose Two Beach Locations from this List

State of Hawaii Wiki Permits

Click to go to beach websites.

Map of Beaches in Hawaii (


Pauoa Bay aka Coconut Grove Beach

Puako Bay (Fronting Residence)


Anaeho'omalu Bay Beach (aka A-Bay)

Naupaka (next to the Hilton, go through alkaline pond to beach)

Hilton Beach Access (South End of the Hilton)

South of Lava Lava Beach Club 


Kuki'o Bay (Next to Four Seasons)

Kikaua Point


Kohanaiki (Pine Trees)

Old Airport

The State of Hawaii requires permits for all State and Federal Parks
Permits for County of Hawaii parks are not required.  

The State of Hawaii can make changes without prior notice.

State Parks Link: 


These options from the State Wiki Permit System may be subject to change without notice.


DLNR 위키 허가 - 이용 약관(

상업용 토지 활동 공급업체 전용

즉시 발효되는 Wiki Permit 사용자는 허가된 이벤트가 계획된 카운티에 적용되는 모든 주 및 카운티 COVID-19 선언, 명령 및 규칙을 준수해야 합니다. 현재 Wiki Permit 이벤트당 최대 30명이 허용되며, 주 또는 카운티에서 공중 보건 및 안전상의 이유로 수시로 야외 사교 모임에 더 엄격한 제한을 가할 수 있습니다. 허가자는 이벤트가 모든 해당 법률, 규칙, 선언 및 명령을 준수하도록 할 책임이 있습니다.

경고: 현재 해변 상황에 대한 정보는 20분마다 업데이트되며 다음 사이트에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 방해받지 않는 주 공공 해변에 대한 허가는 일반적으로 해안선의 마카이 또는 바다 쪽 지역에 대한 것입니다. "해안선"의 정의는 하와이 개정 법령 A§205A-1에 포함되어 있습니다. "해안선"은 폭풍 및 지진파를 제외한 파도의 흐름의 상류를 의미하며, 파도의 흐름이 가장 높은 계절에 만조 때 발생하며, 일반적으로 식물이 자란 가장자리 또는 파도의 흐름으로 인해 남은 잔해의 상한으로 입증됩니다." 허가자는 해안선의 마카이 또는 바다 쪽에서 활동을 수행할 때 극도로 조심하는 것이 필수적입니다. 자신의 책임하에 진행하십시오. 어떠한 경우에도 하와이주 토지 및 천연자원부 또는 그 임원이나 직원은 담보가 없는 토지에서 귀하의 활동으로 인해 발생하는 직접적, 간접적, 우발적, 결과적, 특별 또는 모범적 손해나 이익 손실에 대해 귀하 또는 제3자에게 책임을 지지 않습니다.


2013 Hawaii Revised Statutes
205A. Coastal Zone Management
205A-44 Prohibitions.


Universal Citation: HI Rev Stat § 205A-44 (2013)

§205A-44 Prohibitions. (a) The mining or taking of sand, dead coral or coral rubble, rocks, soil, or other beach or marine deposits from the shoreline area is prohibited with the following exceptions:

(1) The inadvertent taking from the shoreline area of the materials, such as those inadvertently carried away on the body, and on clothes, toys, recreational equipment, and bags;

(2) Where the mining or taking is authorized by a variance pursuant to this part;

(3) The clearing of these materials from existing drainage pipes and canals and from the mouths of streams including clearing for the purposes under section 46-11.5; provided that the sand removed shall be placed on adjacent areas unless the placement would result in significant turbidity;

(4) The cleaning of the shoreline area for state or county maintenance purposes, including the clearing for purposes under section 46-12; provided that the sand removed shall be placed on adjacent areas unless the placement would result in significant turbidity;

(5) The taking of driftwood, shells, beach glass, glass floats, or seaweed;

(6) The exercise of traditional cultural practices as authorized by law or as permitted by the department pursuant to article XII, section 7, of the Hawaii State Constitution; or

(7) For the response to a public emergency or a state or local disaster.

(b) Except as provided in this section, structures are prohibited in the shoreline area without a variance pursuant to this part. Structures in the shoreline area shall not need a variance if:

(1) They were completed prior to June 22, 1970;

(2) They received either a building permit, board approval, or shoreline setback variance prior to June 16, 1989;

(3) They are outside the shoreline area when they receive either a building permit or board approval;

(4) They are necessary for or ancillary to continuation of existing agriculture or aquaculture in the shoreline area on June 16, 1989;

(5) They are minor structures permitted under rules adopted by the department which do not affect beach processes or artificially fix the shoreline and do not interfere with public access or public views to and along the shoreline; or

(6) Work being done consists of maintenance, repair, reconstruction, and minor additions or alterations of legal boating, maritime, or watersports recreational facilities, which are publicly owned, and which result in little or no interference with natural shoreline processes;

provided that permitted structures may be repaired, but shall not be enlarged within the shoreline area without a variance. [L 1986, c 258, pt of §1; am L 1988, c 375, §1; am L 1989, c 356, §12; am L 2013, c 120, §2]

Revision Note

"June 16, 1989" substituted for "the effective date of this Act" and "the effective date of this section".

Cross References

Mining or taking of sand, etc., see §171-58.5.

 §205A-32 Penalties. 


(a)  Any person who violates any provision of part II or part III shall be liable as follows:

     (1)  For a civil fine not to exceed $100,000; or

     (2)  For the cost of returning the affected environment or ecology within the coastal management area to the condition existing before the violation.

     (b)  In addition to any other penalties, any person who is violating any provision of part II or part III shall be liable for a civil fine not to exceed $10,000 a day for each day in which such violation persists.

     (c)  Any civil fine or other penalty provided under this section may be imposed by the circuit court or may be imposed by the department after an opportunity for a hearing under chapter 91.  Imposition of a civil fine shall not be a prerequisite to any civil fine or other injunctive relief ordered by the circuit court. [L 1975, c 176, pt of §1; am L 1989, c 356, §9; am L 2001, c 169, §8]


하와이 스타일 해변 웨딩

심플한 코나 웨딩

결혼식과 서약 갱신

LGBTQ+ 친화적
연락처: 808-896-7955 -


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