결혼 허가증을 받으려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
공연자 라이센스: Larson, Michaela 2013-02829
How to get your marriage license?
Performer License: Larson, Michaela 2013-02829
Information provided here can be changed without notice. Go to State website for updated information.
Please complete the online application (https://emrs.ehawaii.gov) prior to contacting an agent to set an appointment.
Couples must appear together, in person, before a licensed agent no more than 30 days prior to the ceremony date.
The agent will review your application, verify photo IDs and any necessary documentation before issuing the license.
For any person to lawfully marry in the State of Hawaii, a license for that purpose must be obtained from an authorized agent (Section 572-1.7, Hawaii Revised Statutes). Once the license has been issued, there is no waiting period before the marriage can take place.
A marriage license and marriage certificate are different documents. The marriage license permits a marriage to take place. The marriage certificate indicates that a legal marriage has been performed.
1. Complete the online application click here: at https://emrs.ehawaii.gov and pay the required fee.
Please be sure to write down or print your Authorization Code/Locator Identification (ID).
2. Meet with an agent no more/sooner than 30 days prior to your ceremony date. During the meeting the agent will review your application, verify photo IDs and any necessary documentation, and issue the license.
Applicants must appear together in person before an agent prior to the ceremony to pick up their license. Proxies are not allowed.
Both applicants must present a valid government issued photo ID (Passport, Driver License, State ID, etc.).
3. Have your official ceremony within 30 days of picking up your license.
There is no waiting period before the ceremony can take place.
The license is only valid within the State of Hawaii.
If the ceremony is not performed within the 30-day period, the license is null and void.
The cost to obtain a marriage or civil union license is $65.00 ($60 application fee + $5 portal fee). All fees are non-refundable.
There are no state residence or U.S. citizenship requirements.
Blood tests are not required.
The legal age to enter into a legal marriage or civil union is 18 years old..
Proof of age is required. A certified copy of a birth certificate must be presented for anyone 18 years of age or under. Parental or Guardian consent is required with governmental issued photo identification and documentation of relationship. For more information regarding applicants under the age of 18, please contact us click here at: doh.marriage@doh.hawaii.gov
If previously married, proof of original divorce decree or death certificate needs to be presented to the marriage agent by the applicant if the divorce or death occurred less than 30 days prior to picking up the license.
Cousins may marry. However, the blood relationship between the prospective applicants cannot be closer than first cousins.
For more information about agents on the neighbor islands, please call the respective district health offices:
Hawaii Island (Big Island): (808) 974-6008
Kauai: (808) 241-3498
Maui: (808) 984-8210
Molokai: (808) 553-7870
Private agents are also located within the community.
Click Here for a Listing of Agents December 2023 who have agreed to have their contact information posted.
Valid government issued photo ID (Passport, Driver License, State ID, etc.).
Certified divorce decree (if applicable)
Required if the divorce was finalized less than 30 days prior to picking up the license.
If divorce decree is not written in English, you must also present a certified translation of the document.
Certified death certificate (if applicable)
Required if the death occurred/was/happened less than 30 days prior to picking up the license.
If the death certificate is not written in English, you must also present a certified translation of the document.
Any applicant under the age of 19 must present a certified copy of their birth certificate.
Certified copy of a Legal Name Change (if applicable)
Additional documentation may be required depending on the circumstances and at the discretion of each agent.
Useful Links
Sample of the Marriage License
Marriage Agent List
Please complete the online application (https://emrs.ehawaii.gov) prior to contacting an agent to set an appointment. Couples must appear together, in person, before a licensed agent no more than 30 days prior to the ceremony date. The agent will review your application, verify photo IDs and any necessary documentation before issuing the license.
I recommend you go to the Department of Health to confirm information.
District Health Office - Waimea (By Appointment Only) Tiffany Joaquin (808) 887-8114
District Health Office – Hilo (By Appointment Only)
Letisha Kuwahara
(808) 974-6004
Governor’s Liaison Office – Hilo (By Appointment Only)
Dennis Onishi
(808) 974-6262
Private Agent (By Appointment Only)
Rose Delfin
(808) 640-6179
Private Agent (By Appointment Only)
Monica Balanay
(808) 325-8072
Governor’s Liaison Office – Captain Cook (By Appointment Only)
Susan Kim & Pamela Sanchis
(808) 323-4542
District Health Office - Waimea (By Appointment Only)
Tiffany Joaquin
(808) 887-8114
Linked Performer License: Larson, Michaela 2013-02829
Please watch this instructional video for more information.
Go to the online application by clicking here:
결혼 허가증 정보
하와이주에서 합법적으로 결혼하려면 공인 대리인으로부터 해당 목적의 면허를 받아야 합니다. 면허가 발급되면 결혼이 이루어지기 전에 대기 기간이 없습니다. 혈액 검사도 필요 없고 증인도 필요하지 않습니다.
결혼 허가증과 결혼 증명서는 다른 문서입니다. 결혼 허가증은 결혼이 이루어지도록 허가합니다. 결혼 증명서는 합법적인 결혼이 이루어졌음을 나타냅니다.
하와이에서 결혼 허가증을 신청할 수 있는 자격은 누구인가요?
결혼 허가증을 신청하려면, 신랑과 신부 모두 결혼 허가 담당자 앞에 직접 나와야 합니다.
결혼 허가증은 결혼 허가증 담당자가 신청을 수락한 직후 발급되며, 주 전체에서 유효합니다. 결혼 허가증은 발급일로부터 30일 이내에 만료됩니다.
주민등록이나 미국 시민권 요구 사항은 없습니다.
혈액 검사나 증인은 필요하지 않습니다.
남성과 여성 모두 법적으로 결혼할 수 있는 연령은 18세입니다. -
결혼을 원하는 16세 또는 17세의 남성 또는 여성은 양부모, 법적 보호자 또는 가정 법원의 서면 동의가 필요합니다. 부모 또는 법적 보호자는 해당 주에 거주할 필요는 없습니다. 동의서는 결혼 허가 담당자로부터 받을 수 있습니다.
연령 증명이 필요합니다. 18세 이하의 사람은 출생 증명서 사본을 제시해야 합니다. 19세 이상의 사람은 유효한 신분증이나 운전면허증을 제시할 수 있습니다.
사촌끼리 결혼할 수 있습니다. 하지만 예비 신부와 신랑의 혈연 관계는 사촌보다 가까울 수 없습니다.
이전에 결혼한 적이 있는 경우, 이혼 또는 사망이 결혼 허가 신청 후 30일 이내에 확정된 경우 신청자는 결혼 중개사에게 원본 이혼 판결서 또는 사망 증명서를 제시해야 합니다. 팩스 사본은 허용되지 않습니다.
결혼 허가증 수수료는 신청서 작성 후 신용카드로 온라인으로 지불하면 됩니다.